Stream settings

Stream settings for Twitch and peer-programming.

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2 minutes
389 words
Other languages: Français

This article can be added to an OBS dock.

Before starting a stream

This section must be read after the section described in the bottom of the article.

  • Modify the Voice output in Discord to use DISCORDOBS

  • Enter the Discord room dedicated for the stream

  • Enable Twitch highlight in VSCode (status bar)

After stopping a stream

This section must be read after the section described in the bottom of the article.

  • Disable Twitch highlight in VSCode (status bar)

  • Leave the Discord room dedicated for the stream

  • Modify the Voice output in Discord to use the regular source

When installing your computer or OBS

Dedicate a browser for the stream.

For instance, chromium with plugins:

  • open-in-vs-code

Put a welcome page. limawi for instance.

Put it on the pulse sink OBS. See next section.

Prepare needed bookmarks for the stream.

Alter Pulse Audio to add new sources

sudo gpasswd -a $USER audio

In ~/.config/pulse/

# First, load system-wide default setting
# The path of system-wide setting file may differ from your system, please check yours
.include /etc/pulse/

# Create a new `null-sink`
# Freely choose `sink_name` field, but as it is used in the following settings, don't forget it
load-module module-null-sink sink_name=OBSSink sink_properties=device.description="OBS"
load-module module-null-sink sink_name=DISCORDOBSSink sink_properties=device.description="DISCORDOBS"

You can now use these new sources in OBS.

Add Tuna plugin to display VLC tracks

Download here

Unzip it.

Create a directory where to put the OBS plugins.

mkdir -p ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/tuna

Move the content of the download inside this new directory.

Create a directory that will contain the temporary files generated by the plugin.

mkdir -p ~/obs-studio/tuna

Start OBS.

In Tools > Tuna Settings > General: Change the cover path and point it to the directory for generated files.

Remember to set the source to VLC when you want to use VLC.

Start tuna.

Improve peer-programming

Install the Discord extension for VSCodium and the Twitch extension.

codium --install-extension clarkio.twitch-highlighter-1.0.3.vsix

Configure it (in a code-workspace for instance):

    "extensions": {
        "recommendations": [
    "settings": {
        "twitchHighlighter.announceBot": true,
	"twitchHighlighter.channels": "limawiofficial",
        "twitchHighlighter.highlightBorder": "2px solid white",
        "twitchHighlighter.highlightColor": "rgba(75, 142, 252, 1)",
        "twitchHighlighter.highlightFontColor": "white",
        "twitchHighlighter.joinMessage": "🦆 prêt à faire le canard en plastique pour le streamer !",
        "twitchHighlighter.leaveMessage": "🦆 marre d'aider le streamer !",
        "twitchHighlighter.nickname": "davetherubberduck",
        "twitchHighlighter.showHighlightsInActivityBar": true,
        "twitchHighlighter.unhighlightOnDisconnect": true,
        "twitchHighlighter.usageTip": "💡🦆 Vous pouvez voir la documentation de pair programming ici :"