Stream settings
Stream settings for Twitch and peer-programming.
This article can be added to an OBS dock.
Before starting a stream
This section must be read after the section described in the bottom of the article.
Modify the Voice output in Discord to use
Enter the Discord room dedicated for the stream
Enable Twitch highlight in VSCode (status bar)
After stopping a stream
This section must be read after the section described in the bottom of the article.
Disable Twitch highlight in VSCode (status bar)
Leave the Discord room dedicated for the stream
Modify the Voice output in Discord to use the regular source
When installing your computer or OBS
Dedicate a browser for the stream.
For instance, chromium with plugins:
- open-in-vs-code
Put a welcome page. limawi for instance.
Put it on the pulse sink OBS
. See next section.
Prepare needed bookmarks for the stream.
Alter Pulse Audio to add new sources
sudo gpasswd -a $USER audio
In ~/.config/pulse/
# First, load system-wide default setting
# The path of system-wide setting file may differ from your system, please check yours
.include /etc/pulse/
# Create a new `null-sink`
# Freely choose `sink_name` field, but as it is used in the following settings, don't forget it
load-module module-null-sink sink_name=OBSSink sink_properties=device.description="OBS"
load-module module-null-sink sink_name=DISCORDOBSSink sink_properties=device.description="DISCORDOBS"
You can now use these new sources in OBS.
Add Tuna plugin to display VLC tracks
Unzip it.
Create a directory where to put the OBS plugins.
mkdir -p ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/tuna
Move the content of the download inside this new directory.
Create a directory that will contain the temporary files generated by the plugin.
mkdir -p ~/obs-studio/tuna
Start OBS.
In Tools > Tuna Settings > General: Change the cover path and point it to the directory for generated files.
Remember to set the source to VLC when you want to use VLC.
Start tuna.
Improve peer-programming
Install the Discord extension for VSCodium and the Twitch extension.
codium --install-extension clarkio.twitch-highlighter-1.0.3.vsix
Configure it (in a code-workspace for instance):
"extensions": {
"recommendations": [
"settings": {
"twitchHighlighter.announceBot": true,
"twitchHighlighter.channels": "limawiofficial",
"twitchHighlighter.highlightBorder": "2px solid white",
"twitchHighlighter.highlightColor": "rgba(75, 142, 252, 1)",
"twitchHighlighter.highlightFontColor": "white",
"twitchHighlighter.joinMessage": "🦆 prêt à faire le canard en plastique pour le streamer !",
"twitchHighlighter.leaveMessage": "🦆 marre d'aider le streamer !",
"twitchHighlighter.nickname": "davetherubberduck",
"twitchHighlighter.showHighlightsInActivityBar": true,
"twitchHighlighter.unhighlightOnDisconnect": true,
"twitchHighlighter.usageTip": "💡🦆 Vous pouvez voir la documentation de pair programming ici :"